About APSWDP Journal- IJSWSD
International Journal of Social Work and Sustainable Development (IJSWSD) is the official journal of the Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (APSWDP). It is a peer-reviewed, refereed annual journal designed to share and disseminate knowledge; based on action-oriented work in the field of Social Work, Sustainable Development, and allied areas. It is further aimed at promoting interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research and community action programs. IJSWSD aims to advance the theory of Social Work by bridging the gap between Values and Actions. It provides a platform for educators, researchers, professional social workers, and development practitioners engaged in government and non-government sectors to publish their innovative ideas in the form of articles, research papers, case studies, and book reviews. IJSWSD shall be published annually (once a year). The first issue of IJSWSD Year-I, Volume-I was published in Dec 2023 and is allotted ISSN Number 3048-7811. Download

Aims of IJSWSD
The aim of the International Journal of Social Work and Sustainable Development (IJSWSD) is to become a lead source of scholarly articles and research papers in the domain of the Social Work and Development Sector through the promotion of research publication at affordable or at no cost. It will be a blend of Education and Action-oriented fieldwork.
Objectives of IJSWSD
1. To Promote Professional Social Work Education and foster Education for Sustainable Development.
2. To provide a publishing platform to Social Workers, Development Practitioners, Researchers, and Scholars from across the Globe from different fields.
3. To make research publication hassle-free to ensure sharing of knowledge and cross-fertilization of ideas and practices in due course.
4. To make research papers and scholarly articles available at affordable or no cost to all users.
5. To create avenues for the promotion and publication of research papers about and from social, economic, and culturally weakened sections of society across the world.
Editorial Board
- Editor: Dr. Vivek Trivedi, Founder APSWDP (Profile) (https://dtp.org.au/community/vivek-trivedi/)
- Managing Editor: Dr. Monica Singh, Chief Patron APSWDP (https://www.linkedin.com/in/dr-monica-munjial-singh-7985b3202/)(https://socialwork.puchd.ac.in/show-biodata.php?qstrempid=2789&qstrempdesigcode=8)
- Editor-at-large: Dr. Die-yun-jeong, Emeritus Member APSWDP (Profile) (https://ebross.ynu.ac.jp/research/events/int-conf-bluecarbon/speakers/dai-yeun-jeong/)
- Deputy Managing Editor: Dr. Sumit Arora, President APSWDP (Profile)
- Asst. Managing Editor: Dr. Singarayar Britto, APSWDP Representative to UNEP Nairobi (Profile)
- Social Work
- Sociology
- Social Psychology
- Anthropology
- Welfare Administration
- Human Rights
- Economics
- Development Studies
- Women Development
- Tribal Studies
- Public Health
- Allied Subjects
- Sustainable Development Goals
- Drug Addiction
- Environment and climate change
- Family and Marriage Demography
- Waste Management
- Child Rights
- Sustainability in urban, rural, local, and global development
- Social enterprises and entrepreneurship
- Road Safety
- Medical Social Work
- Flagship Schemes of GoI
- Tobacco Control
- Pedagogy
- Gender and development
- Livelihood
- COVID-19
- Social (corporate) responsibility
Manuscript Guidelines for Authors
Before submitting the manuscript, authors are advised to ensure that they have carefully read and observed the following guidelines:
1. A Full-length article/paper submission must be in English, typed in MS-Word in Times New Roman with font size 12 and not more than 7,000 words in length and double-spaced throughout including tables, diagrams, illustrations, references etc.
2. An abstract of not more than 100 words describing the article’s main findings and conclusions must be included, along with 3–5 keywords.
3. In addition, the journal is interested in brief notes of up to 2,000 words, on topics such as reports of research in progress, examples of unresolved problems, descriptions of policy, and current programmes that would be of interest to the social work fraternity.
4. Bibliographical references should be arranged alphabetically and given at the end of the text in the APA Referencing Style (Latest Edition)only.
5. All contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in an ‘Acknowledgements’ section. Any such acknowledgement should appear first at the end of the article prior to references.
6. Authors must furnish the full contact details including name, designation, affiliating institution, contact number, e-mail ID, and mailing address.
7. All papers must be submitted via the online system.
8. Manuscripts not conforming to the above guidelines will be rejected.
IJSWSD observes a rigorous review policy in which a duly constituted committee will review the submitted article/ papers and reserves the right to edit the materials and/ or ask for modifications and resubmission of the same. Information regarding acceptance/ rejection will be communicated to the authors subsequently.
IJSWSD takes the issues of copyright infringement, plagiarism, or other breaches of best practices in publication very seriously. It seeks to protect the reputation of the journal against malpractice. Hence, submitted articles will be checked with duplication-checking software. Where an article is found to have plagiarised other work or included third-party copyright material without permission or with insufficient acknowledgment or where the authorship of the article is contested, IJSWSD reserves the right to take action including taking up the matter with the head of the institution/department or dean of the author’s institution and/or relevant academic bodies or societies; banning the author from publication in the IJSWSD or appropriate legal action, the authors shall be held solely responsible for any consequential outcomes, damages, compensation in any form. Any correspondence, queries, or requests for additional information with regard to a manuscript submission should be sent to the editorial desk whereas other queries can be directed to the Managing Editor.

All prices are inclusive of mailing charges. The subscription fees should be paid via a Demand Draft in favor of the Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (APSWDP) in India, payable at Chandigarh or by other digital means like NEFT, RTGS, UPI, and other digital aggregators available on our web portal. The subscription can also be paid through a Bank transfer to our account details as under:
Account Name: Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
Bank: Axis Bank
Account No: 918010058875273 IFSC Code: UTIB0003338
Branch: Industrial Area, Phase-I, Chandigarh-160002. Branch Code: 3338
MICR Code: 160211054

The subscription may also be paid through any UPI app (Paytm/PhonePe/Google Pay/BHIM) on ‘apswdp@uboi’ or by using the above QR code:-
Note: Please email your details to us after ordering your subscription at apswdp@gmail.com
Advertisement Policy
The advertisement related to social work education and the practice of educational values along with the subject matter concerned with the development sector shall be published on the recommendation of the advisory committee. There will be two to three pages reserved for advertisement. Institutions like Universities, Colleges, Civil Societies, NGOs, and Developmental agencies including Government and Non-Government can approach for the publication of advertisements. The journal reserves the right to reject any advertisement considered unsuitable to the objectives of the journal. The advertisement in the journal does not constitute any endorsement or approval by the journal and/or its publishers. For such matters and the tariff for advertisement, the Managing editor may be contacted over email or phone.
The information and opinions published in the journal reflect the views of the authors and not of the journal or its Editorial Board or the publisher. Neither IJSWSD nor its publishers nor anyone else involved in creating, producing, or delivering IJSWSD or the materials contained therein, assumes any liability on responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information provided in IJSWSD. nor shall they be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or punitive damages arising out of the issue of IJSWSD nor its publishers. Readers are encouraged to confirm the information contained herein with other sources.
Present Call for Papers - First Launch Issue 2023

International Journal of Social Work and Sustainable Development (IJSWSD) is inviting research papers, articles, discussions, and notes from the field, interviews, news from professional associations in social work, reviews of policies/programs/legislations/voluntary organizations/ professional interventions and case studies for publication in the second issue of the Journal.
Submission Guidelines:
1. Submission must carry a scanned copy of the forwarding letter signed by the author addressed to the Chief Editor, specifying that the Research Paper/ Article is the original work of the author and neither published earlier nor simultaneously submitted/ accepted for publication elsewhere.
2. Plagiarism must be less than 10%. Author(s) are requested to attach a plagiarism report along with their final paper submission. Research Papers/Articles with low plagiarism and high-quality content will be preferred.
3. Formatting: Font size 12 (Times New Roman) having 1.5 spacing in MS Word format.
4. Word limit: Abstract (150-250 words), Research Paper/ Article (3000–6000 words 8 to 10 pages) including references.
5. The following information about the author(s)/co-author(s) should be mentioned clearly in the cover letter as well as in the paper/chapter:
Name: Designation:
Contact Number: Email ID: Organisation:
6. The author(s) can choose any domain/theme for submitting their Research Papers/ Articles.
7. The references in the paper/chapter should be written in the APA 7th edition format.
8. Abstract Submission by 31 January 2025 and full chapter/paper submission by 31 March 2025.
9. The submission should be made to ijswsd.apswdp@gmail.com
Contact Us
Registered Office of IJSWSD (Publisher):
Association Of Professional Social Workers And Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
C/O Anant Enterprise 782/15,
Khalsa Market Complex, Opposite Community Center, Gobindpura, Manimajra, Chandigarh-160101
E:mail- apswdp@gmail.com
Editorial Office Address:
International Journal of Social Work and Sustainable Development (IJSWSD)
C/O Association Of Professional Social Workers And Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
Project Office, 252, Verma Day Care, 2nd and 3rd floor,
Old Ambala Road, Manimajra, Sector-13, Chandigarh -160101
E:mail- ijswsd.apswdp@gmail.com
Postal Address:
Association Of Professional Social Workers And Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
Post Box. 363, Post Office, Sec-17 GPO, Chandigarh-160011
Contact WhatsApp: +91 7087060356
Principal Contact:
Editor/Chief Coordinator, IJSWSD, WhatsApp Mobile: +91 7087060356 E:mail- ijswsd.apswdp@gmail.com , apswdp@gmail.com