Get Involved
APSWDP would love to have you as a part of our Social Worker and Development Practitioner Community. Check out the various ways to get involved below and assist us in being a voice for the youth, marginalized, and promote Sustainable Development.
1. Work with us
We are looking for a geographically diverse and gender-balanced workforce of highly skilled, motivated, and committed professionals to deliver on various projects. We want people who embody our core values and uphold the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity.
We welcome people who are mobile, ready to work in any of the APSWDP project locations, and people who are dynamic, creative, adaptable, and responsive to emerging challenges.
We are looking for a geographically diverse and gender-balanced workforce of highly skilled, motivated, and committed professionals to deliver on various projects. Furthermore, we want people who embody our core values and uphold the highest standards of efficiency, competence, and integrity.
Present Vacancies: Wait for Vacancy in Recent Post.
2. Join APSWDP
For APSWDP membership, kindly fill up the online Primary Membership Form linked with membership fee payment through Razorpay gateway along with Mandatory Google Membership Profile Section on the following two separate links:
A. APSWDP Primary Membership Form and Fee Payment Link
B. APSWDP Membership Profile Form
Note: A copy of online Membership Profile form will be send to your registered E:mail id for future references by clicking in Google form before submission.
APSWDP Membership Fee:
The membership fee, as prescribed in the APSWDP Membership section given in the above link will be paid through any payment mode provided by Razorpay gateway.
In case of any difficulty, membership fee may directly be deposited by scanning QR Code given below or NEFT/RTGS in to the bank account of the association as per following details.
Account Name: Association of Professional Social Workers & Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
Account No.: 309301010040960
Bank: Union Bank of India
Branch: Main Branch, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh
IFSC Code: UBIN0530930
The fee may also be paid through any UPI app (PayTm/PhonePe/Google Pay/BHIM) on ‘apswdp@uboi’ or by using the following QR code:-

The fee payment details may be provided in the prescribed field of the application form.
Refund – General Information
The APSWDP does not allow for the refund of membership purchases unless there are exceptional circumstances. Where exceptional circumstances can be shown to exist, the pro rata amount of the annual membership fee not exceeding 6 months may be refunded at the discretion of the Governing Body. Refund of membership fees shall incur an administration fee (20% of Fee) which shall automatically be deducted from the amount of the refund.
Overpayment Refund
Where an error has been made by our banking facility which results in an overpayment being made, the Governing Body may, in consultation with the member, refund by either a credit of the overpayment to the membership or alternatively by cheque for the full amount of the overpayment.
Transfer of APSWDP Membership
Individual and Institutional memberships are not transferable.
3. Partner with us
APSWDP’s approach to partnership is firmly anchored in our strategies aligned to the 2030 Sustainable Agenda, and at its heart lies in SDG 17 ‘Partnership for the goals’.
APSWDP relies on a comprehensive and diverse set of collaborative relations and partnerships to pursue its mission and implement its programs. Partnering with APSWDP is a commitment to the highest standards of equity, fairness, accountability, and excellence.
Become a partner of APSWDP and bring out the best in our shared humanity.
Who Can Become Partners
Any Organization or institution viz-a-viz Non-Profit Organizations, Youth Organizations, Community Based Organizations, Philanthropy, Charity Organizations, Academic Institutions, CSR-mandated companies, government and inter-governmental agencies, diplomatic missions engaged in the development sector at micro, mezzo, and macro level can come forward for partnership in project planning, implementation, monitoring & evaluation, social auditing, and capacity building, etc.
4. Donate Us
If you are willing to support any social cause like-
- Support Social Work Students for BSW/MSW and other development sector courses in Indian/Abroad Universities;
- special events e.g. Conference Workshops, Training of Trainers (ToTs), and Campaigns;
- any other thing that the donor likes to do for society, community, and special persons under innovative social ideas for PWDs, TGs, Marginalized people, and others.
- Support for participation in relevant Summits/Conference/Meetings.
The Association of Professional Social Workers & Development Practitioners (APSWDP) is registered under Section 12A and 80G(5)(vi) of the Income Tax Act 1961 for obtaining donations. The donation is exempted under section 80-G of the Income Tax Act, 1961. The donation may be deposited directly through the following Razor pay gateway link:
In case of any difficulty, donation can also be made in to the following bank account of the association by NEFT/RTGS or by scanning above QR code given below in Indian Rupee (INR) only:
Account Name: Association of Professional Social Workers & Development Practitioners (APSWDP)
Account No.: 309301010040960
Bank: Union Bank of India
Branch: Main Branch, Sector 17-B, Chandigarh
IFSC Code: UBIN0530930
The donations may also be paid through any UPI app (PayTm/PhonePe/Google Pay/BHIM) on ‘apswdp@uboi’ or by using the above QR code:-
- Kindly refer transaction id in your communication with respective amount to our email id-
- We do not accept donation in cash.
5. Volunteer With Us
You have the power to make a real difference in the local as well as global community and support those in greatest need. By joining APSWDP, you can contribute your bit towards social change, and global transformation. Get involved today!
The Association of Professional Social Workers and Development Practitioners (APSWDP) aims at engaging and providing an opportunity to volunteers from various sectors across the country and abroad.
The key objectives of this volunteer prospect are to grant exposure to youngsters in order to acquire rich experience of being engaged in our professional network, learning ethical values, practicing with leading mentors, and interacting with professional experts associated with APSWDP.
Access APSWDP’s Volunteer Policy by CLICKING HERE.
For Voluntary opportunities, kindly fill up the online application form at the following link: –